Twitter followers

Twitter is one of the top social media networks on the web and consists of millions of users from around the world. Years ago it was used mostly by people to share their thoughts but now has a great impact on many businesses

Twitter marketing is growing steadily and having a great following might be the only thing you or your brands need to hit the home run. However, sometimes even having a lot of followers doesn’t seem to work. A lot of accounts end up being an engagement desert despite having thousands of followers. Here are some ideas that will promote engagement and boost activity.

1. Maximize Interactions from Your End

If you have to explain engagement in simple words, it can be simply defined as the degree of interactions people have with your account. Likes, retweets, replies, etc. are all components of engagement and you have to keep them at maximum from at least your end.

Followers love active accounts that keep posting more often because after all, that is what they started following you for in the first place. Being inactive would not only harm your reach but to gain more Twitter followers from might end up forgetting or even unfollowing you. 

You can not expect engagement if you aren’t even posting any content. Interacting with your followers by replying to them or retweeting their tweets helps as well. People love getting recognized and represented, both on and off social media. By showing them appreciation, you give them a reason to continue being around. 

2. Use Twitter Spaces

Twitter Spaces is a brand new feature that many users are still unaware of. If you have ever heard of or used Clubhouse, Spaces is Twitter’s version of the popular audio-based social media platform. Twitter Spaces allows you to have spoken conversations with other users like a live podcast. 

With Clubhouse, you had to have someone invite you to be a part of the conversation but the doors of Twitter Spaces are open for everyone. Thousands of people can join in to speak and listen to each other. 

As there is no joining limit, Spaces are perfect for you to have conversations, make announcements, and receive feedback from your followers. Being vocal creates more impression than texts and Spaces can genuinely help you gain more engagement on Twitter. 

Spaces being not limited to just your followers makes things even better. With engaging conversations and topics, you can bring a massive influx of attention to your brand with Spaces. 

3. Never Forget Hashtags

Twitter is all about hashtags and keywords. Trending topics and tags is what the content is almost always centered around here. 

By using a hashtag, you are basically inviting everyone interested in that topic, to your page. Even including a single hashtag can bring your tweet two times more engagement than a tweet with none. 

Moreover, by using hashtags you garner the attention of only the users that are actually interested in that topic. A relevant audience will make for long-term followers who would regularly engage more with your content. 

It is better to not be greedy and start spamming hashtags, however. Statistics have shown that using more than two tags can significantly decrease engagement and your chance of getting retweeted. An interesting tweet with just one or two hashtags is the most likely to get likes and retweets.

4. Share Images and Videos

The kind of content you share matters a lot in Twitter engagement. Reports have shown that like most of the other social media platforms, Twitter produces the best engagement rates for images and video posts. Your followers are more likely to engage with your tweets that include a picture, a gif, or a video. 

5. Start Conversations and Create Threads

Starting a productive conversation is a simple but effective way of encouraging engagement on Twitter. One of the biggest impacts of social media came in the form of it giving a platform for everyone to speak. 

People love having their opinions heard, and by asking questions you can motivate them to respond to you. Creating detailed threads with multiple tweets regarding a topic can help you gain more engagement on Twitter as well. By creating a thread of tweets under a single post, you can maximize interactions without cluttering your followers’ feeds. 


Twitter has slowly become very important in the marketing world. It is no surprise that nearly 70% of B2B businesses are active on Twitter and use the platform for marketing. Even if you are not a brand or business, Twitter is a great place to share your content and get your name out there. 

These 5 tips mentioned here will help you improve your engagement. You can also buy Twitter followers from to make the most out of the platform’s favorable engagement rates and algorithms. It will not only help you rake up great numbers but also promote organic growth which is exactly what you need! Twitter followers