Your Client’s Information Safe

It’s a scary world out there. With cyber criminals lurking in the shadows, it can be hard to know what you’re up against when your employees are using computers at work. Suppose you want to ensure that your client’s information is protected. In that case, investing in computer security software is one of the best decisions you could ever make for your small business. In this article, Pathlock will discuss five different types of computer security software and their benefits so that you can find the right solution for your needs!

Antivirus Software

Antivirus software protects your computer from viruses and malware by scanning incoming files for anything harmful. You’ll want to make sure that your antivirus software is up to date so it can catch any new threats before they infect your computer.

Types of Antivirus Software:

  • Managed security service provider (MSSP) anti-malware solutions to protect against viruses and other malware in real-time, minimizing the risk of serious infection. The network access control (NAC) capabilities of MSSP services help enforce the appropriate security policies and prevent data exfiltration.
  • Managed endpoint protection (MEP) antimalware solutions keep your business’s systems, mobile devices, and endpoints secure by detecting and removing known viruses in real-time using advanced analytics. These tools typically provide excellent detection rates while reducing the number of false positives.
  • Consumer antimalware solutions offer protection against viruses and other malware. Still, they can be limited by their lack of advanced threat detection capabilities, frequent need for updates, and potential impact on system performance.

Password Managers

A password manager allows your employees to create strong, unique passwords that they can easily remember when signing into different accounts online. A good password manager will also allow them to generate complex passcodes with a click of a button so that they don’t have to memorize dozens of codes!

Firewall Software

Firewall software prevents hackers from accessing your computer by creating a secure “firewall” that allows you to control which programs can communicate with the Internet.

Anti-malware software

Anti-malware software protects you against spyware and adware, which can invade your computer through deceptive websites and emails. Spyware collects information about you without your knowledge, personal area network images,while adware interrupts your web browsing experience with intrusive online ads.

Other types of software to consider:

Application whitelisting helps prevent malware infections by allowing users to run only specific applications on their systems. This type of program is especially useful in industries that require a high level of security.

User behavior analytics software creates a baseline for normal activity on your computer. It detects unusual behaviors, such as when an employee attempts to install malware or exfiltrate data from the network. The ability to detect anomalous user activities is critical because traditional antivirus and malware detection programs will not flag these incidents.

There’s no limit to the number of threats your employees may encounter when using computers at work. Still, if you keep them secure with computer security software, then you’ll know that their information is protected from cybercriminals!

Backup Software

You’ll need backup software for when you need to restore all of your files in case of a disaster or virus attack.

How to choose the best security software for your business:

The type of computer system you have at home or in your office, how many users use each device, and what applications they use most frequently. An antivirus solution may not be the best choice if all of your employees work from their homes because it will slow down performance.

There is a large and growing demand for cybersecurity experts to help protect clients’ information. If you’re interested in learning more about the field, we’ve included some resources below that will get you started on your journey. We hope this blog post has been informative and helpful! Your Client’s Information Safe

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