Transition your Business from a Traditional Office to a Virtual Office

If you are new to the business industry, you probably need to test the turbulent waters of the business market before making a major investment.

And for that purpose, leasing an office building is not the most suitable option, especially if you are on a low budget. However, a virtual office can provide the same set of facilities and that too on affordable pricing.

So whether you already have an on-site business or you are just starting, a virtual office is an incredible option to consider.

The article below discusses the six steps through which you can find the right virtual office solution for your company.

Virtual office

The idea of virtual offices was first introduced by Ralph Gregory in 1994 in the United States, and today these office solutions are being used by millions worldwide. 

A virtual office gives businesses office-related services and administrative staff without the overhead of renting an actual office building.

This means that to acquire a physical working space through a virtual office you don’t necessarily have to break the bank.

With a virtual office, employers get many services including mail handling, virtual assistant, phone answering services, and conference rooms.

Businesses looking to expand, freelancers, and small businesses typically use virtual offices.

6 steps for switching from a traditional office to a Virtual office

1.Plan to make the transition

Once you have decided to make the shift, you must let your employees know about it.

Because if they are accustomed to a physical working space then the idea of a virtual office might sound scary to some as it can lead to lesser productivity.

So, gather all your team members and conduct a meeting discussing the reason for this transition, the potential advantages of it, and what the virtual office will look like.

 2.Do your research

It’s crucial to do your research before choosing one virtual service provider.

 Therefore assess multiple service providers and examine the kinds and qualities of facilities they provide.

Being a small business you might only need a mail handling service and a mailing address but more established companies require live receptionists, lobby greeters, and meeting lounges to maintain their professional image.

 3.Clarify what you want

Depending on your business nature you might want to consider some robust virtual office services including video conferencing and virtual receptionist.

But if you are switching to the virtual model from a conventional office then make sure that your employees are familiar with the use of these services.

Otherwise, you can get them trained so that they get a hang of it.

Furthermore, inquire with your service provider about the monthly charges because some virtual offices include several services in the plan while others charge extra for certain amenities.

4.Organize a schedule

Some individuals complain about a lack of productivity when working remotely as they perform better under supervision.

On the other hand, some feel the opposite and make the most enjoying no restrictions from the boss.

Still, a good idea is to organize a schedule by setting your alarm in the morning, taking a shower, and beginning working at the same time as you were to in the traditional office.

As appealing as it might sound to work in pajamas laying on the couch, the truth is that it does affect your productivity.

 5.Inform your clients about the change

This step might not be necessary if you are just starting with a virtual office. But if you are making a transition then it’s highly important to keep your connections and let your existing clients know about the change.

This can be done through a phone call or by email. Or simply leave a notification on your website with the new address details and the date of effectiveness of this plan.

 6.Consider a hybrid structure

With the COVID 19 surge, the hybrid work model has become the norm and employees prefer adapting it more than the on-site work mode.

Hybrid structures can yield many benefits including increased productivity, improved mental health, and better employee satisfaction.

So, instead of completely cutting off with your onsite office consider choosing a hybrid structure that lets employees interact at an actual office every once in a while.

Hence, you can let your employees embrace flexibility with increased productivity.

Final Takeaway

Virtual offices have been gaining momentum due to their many perks among small businesses. Some of these benefits include improved productivity, less expense, unharmed privacy, and professional mail handling services.

Yet before signing up to a virtual service provider take your time and do proper research to choose the best virtual office for your company.

Because at the end of the day your goal is to strengthen your business and increase customers.

So, what do you think of going virtual?