What is AWS Storage Gateway?

AWS Storage Gateway is a hybrid cloud service suite that gives you on-premise access to virtually unlimited cloud storage.

Customers use Storage Gateway to integrate AWS Cloud Storage with existing on-premise workloads.

We can simplify storage management and lower the cost of critical hybrid cloud storage use cases.

These include moving backups to the cloud using local file shares secured by cloud storage.

And also, accessing AWS data with low latency for local applications.

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aws storage gateway

To support the use cases, Storage Gateway offers four different types of gateways:

  • Amazon S3 File Gateway
  • Amazon FSx File Gateway
  • Tape Gateway
  • Volume Gateway

These aws cloud storage seamlessly connect local applications to cloud storage.

Also, moving data to the cloud for advanced AWS cloud storage capabilities and caching data locally for low-latency access gives you the best of the cloud and on-premise.

Applications connect to their service through a virtual machine or gateway hardware device using standard storage protocols such as NFS, SMB, and iSCSI.

Also, the gateway connects to AWS storage services.

Services such as Amazon S3, Amazon S3 Glacier, Amazon S3 Glacier Deep Archive, Amazon FSx for Windows File Server, Amazon EBS, and AWS Backup.

It provides data storage and management for archives, volumes, snapshots, and virtual tapes AWS.

The service includes a streamlined and efficient data transfer mechanism with automatic network stability and bandwidth management.

It provides a consistent management experience with the AWS console on-premise and in the AWS cloud.

Cloud Storage in minutes with AWS Storage Gateway

Moving workloads to the cloud is an important way for CIOs to meet their key strategic priorities.

Increasing agility, accelerating innovation, strengthening security, and reducing costs.

Many companies have existing infrastructure in data centers, remote offices, and edge locations but want to use cloud services.

aws storage gateway

AWS is helping these customers accelerate their path to the cloud by providing hybrid cloud storage services to seamlessly extend their on-premises infrastructure onto AWS.

As companies evaluate their different applications, some are relatively easy to migrate to the cloud while others are more complex.

Benefits of AWS Storage Gateway

Applications may need to stay local for performance or compliance reasons or require tight integration with the local IT infrastructure.

For these reasons, companies want to explore hybrid cloud storage solutions that provide local access to data stored in AWS.

It extend their benefits of the AWS cloud to their data centers and edge locations.

Also, AWS Storage Gateway is a hybrid cloud storage solution that helps customers overcome the challenges of hybrid cloud storage.

It bridges the gap between their on-premises and cloud environments.

Storage Gateway enables local applications to take advantage of cloud storage by providing low latency data access over standard storage protocols.

A local cache stores the most recently used data on-site, and the cloud offers scalability and industry-leading data protection, longevity, availability, security, and performance.

Designed to be easy to provision, activate, and access for your applications, the Storage Gateway is an easy first step into the cloud.

Also, since we publish the original version of this blog almost a year ago, we’ve added a new gateway type.

Amazon FSx File Gateway introduced a new management console and added a host of other enhancements to Storage Gateway.

In this blog post, we can cover these updates by describing the key features and functions of the Storage Gateway and looking at hybrid storage architectures at a high level.

I define the four types of Storage Gateway (Amazon S3 File, Amazon FSx File, Tape, and Volume Gateways) and refer to examples of common client use cases for Storage Gateway.

Finally, I’ll show you how to get started by walking through the three main steps in implementing a storage gateway in your environment.

aws storage gateway

Key Features

Storage Gateway is quick and easy to deploy, allowing you to integrate into your existing environments and seamlessly access AWS Storage.

The service also provides a good consistent management experience with the AWS console.

Both for on-premises gateways and monitoring, management, and security with AWS services such as Amazon CloudWatch, AWS CloudTrail, AWS Identity, and Access Management (IAM), and AWS Key Management Service (KMS).

Storage Gateway helps you reduce the cost, maintenance, and scaling challenges associated with managing local storage environments, as we discuss.

Standard Storage Protocols

The Storage Gateway seamlessly connects to your on-premises backup or production applications.

Using NFS, SMB, iSCSI, or iSCSI-VTL, your AWS cloud storage without having to change your applications.

Its protocol conversion and device emulation allow you to access block data on volumes managed by Storage Gateway in addition to Amazon S3.

It stores files as native Amazon S3 objects or on fully managed cloud file shares with Amazon FSx for Windows File Server.

And virtual tapes to maintain online backups in an S3-backed virtual tape library.

Also, it helps to move backups to a tape library level in Amazon S3 Glacier and Amazon S3 Glacier Deep Archive.

Fully Managed Cache

The local gateway appliance maintains a cookie or cache of recently read or written data.

So your applications can access the data held on AWS with low latency.

Gateways use a read/write cache, transfer data locally, and acknowledge writes.

And then asynchronously copy the data to AWS to reduce application latency, etc.

Optimized and Secure Data Transfer

Storage Gateway provides secure upload of data and secure download of requested data.

It encrypts data in transit between any gateway device and AWS with SSL.

Storage Gateway provides end-to-end protection of customer data from the storage gateway on the company network to the data on AWS.

Also, the service supports security features, access control, provides compliances and certifications.

It matches the real and perceived security concerns of corporate customers.

Using AWS cloud storage through the storage gateway, we get optimizations such as multi-part management, automatic buffering, and delta transfers.

It is used by all gateways to convert to types and data compression for all virtual tape and block data.

Storage Gateway provides Federal Information Processing Standard 140-2 (FIPS) compliant endpoints on AWS GovCloud (US East) and AWS GovCloud (US West).

Storage Gateway enables customers to easily use AWS Services

As a native AWS service, Storage Gateway can be integrated with other AWS services.

Services for storage, backup, and management. It can be integrated into on-premises environments at the same time.

Also, the service stores files as native Amazon S3 objects or fully managed file shares on Amazon FSx for Windows File Server, amaon, archives virtual tapes in Amazon S3 Glacier.

Also amazon storage gateway and Amazon S3 Glacier Deep Archives.

It stores EBS snapshots generated by Volume Gateway using Amazon EBS.

However, Storage Gateway also integrates with AWS Backup to manage the backup and recovery of Volume Gateway volumes, and simplify backup management.

It helps you meet your backup business and compliance needs.

High Availability on VMware

The Storage Gateway provides high availability on VMware through a set of integrity checks built into VMware vSphere High Availability (VMware HA).

With this integration, Storage Gateway deployed in an on-premises VMware environment.

The storage gateway, on VMware Cloud on AWS automatically recovers from most service interruptions in less than 60 seconds.

It protects storage workloads from hardware, hypervisor, network failures, memory failures, or co-software failures.

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