In a report published by the Deutsche Bank, the crypto world is slated to become a cashless society within a decade. In the next decade, the number of users of cryptocurrencies will more than double and will reach 200 million, a figure almost as rapid as the growth of the internet in its first 20 years. But what are the long-term prospects for crypto? You have to try this platform, the trading App. Can it take off as a substitute for fiat currency?

While a cryptocurrency’s popularity can help it rise in value, that doesn’t mean that it will be financially successful. Consider that Uber had 91 million users but still didn’t turn a profit. And that was before the crypto market went public. So while many people are sceptical, others are excited about the future of decentralised finance. Even hedge funds are investing in cryptocurrency.

Crypto Future

While the public interest in cryptocurrencies has increased dramatically, their technology is still largely unknown. There are too many limitations to make them a viable medium of exchange. And the anonymity of cryptocurrencies makes them attractive to illicit activity. While this isn’t desirable from a societal point of view, the primary appeal of cryptocurrencies is their speculative potential. Unfortunately, the risks of mining these virtual currencies are high, and there is no sure way to guarantee their future.

The main challenge for cryptocurrencies is getting mainstream acceptance. For example, Facebook plans to issue its cryptocurrency, Diem, to make digital payments more manageable.

While the significant currencies would back it to maintain stability, consumers aren’t sure if such an institution will put the public’s welfare before its bottom line. In addition, if the technology becomes widespread, multinational corporations could issue unbacked cryptocurrencies worldwide. While this won’t pose a significant threat to the U.S. dollar, it may wipe out smaller economies, making them less competitive.

Although there are many unanswered questions about crypto, Washington lawmakers are starting to notice. Several cryptocurrency executives testified before the House Financial Services Committee in December. They discussed how the technology could be regulated and embraced by governments and possible legislative paths.

Some lawmakers have expressed interest in creating stablecoin issuers as banks and taxing cryptocurrency transactions. Still, it’ll take time for lawmakers to formulate rules that protect consumers while promoting growth. Furthermore, blockchain technology can also provide better security than traditional payment systems. Despite these concerns, many cryptocurrencies remain unregulated, and their growth is set to disrupt the world economy within a decade.

Although adopting crypto is complex, some companies have chosen to pilot the technology before launching a public platform. One such pilot is called an internal intradepartmental pilot. For example, the Treasury is the department responsible for internal funding, and it can begin by buying crypto. The Treasury can use crypto for peripheral payments and track the value. These pilots can help companies determine if crypto can benefit their business.

Although cryptocurrency has vast benefits, some critics point to the energy and environmental impact of Bitcoin mining. Mining digital currency involves using enormous amounts of electricity and has adverse environmental impacts. The Bitcoin network consumes more electricity than a small country.

It has prompted concerns about climate change, but cryptocurrency proponents say that you can solve this issue with renewable energy. For example, the El Salvadoran president recently pledged to mine Bitcoin with volcanic energy. Ethereum, on the other hand, moved to a proof-of-stake model, which uses significantly less energy.

While some countries have banned the use of crypto, others have allowed it domestically and internationally. For example, bitcoin transactions are tax-free in the United States, but gains made by users are subject to taxation in those countries. It means that the future of crypto is mainly uncertain. But the emergence of more mainstream cryptocurrency users is a good thing, and it will only increase the market’s stability and growth. When more users enter the market, the price of crypto will stabilise.

Final Words

Aside from the rise of digital currency, cryptocurrency has become an attractive payment option for illegal goods and services. The anonymity afforded users makes cryptocurrencies an attractive option for illicit transactions. However, this anonymity comes with a price. Criminals will not be able to spend the funds they have stolen from the blockchain networks. Examples of these criminals include ‘rug pulls’  and criminals using cryptocurrency to steal money from people.