With access to smartphones, eCommerce and mCommerce are growing. Therefore, the demand for an eCommerce website development company is increasing. However, building an eCommerce website requires the right technology stack. Python for eCommerce development is a great choice. It has the flexibility and scalability to handle an eCommerce store.

Python lets you access the latest packages, modules, classes, and functions. They allow you to protect what you need to watch while giving more open access where appropriate. You can even choose to hire Python developers from a reputed company to safeguard your eCommerce website against cross-site scripting, request forgery, and SQL injection.

To develop an eCommerce website, you must consider various factors before making the final leap, like selecting a tech stack to build your site, how scalable they need to be, and the features to include. Here you will know why to use Python to develop your eCommerce platform.

Remarkable Benefits of Python for An eCommerce Website

The prevalence of Python web development has empowered tech giants like Google and Facebook in the past few years. In addition, developers use Python for Artificial Intelligence, deep learning, and web development. Even Node.JS vs. Python has become a trending topic in software development nowadays.

Here are the prime reasons to select Python to develop your eCommerce website –

1.    Easy to Learn

Despite being a high-level programming language, Python’s syntax is more like English. This can make it easier and highly recommendable for aspiring software engineers.

In Python, you need fewer lines of code as compared to Java, C, and C++ to perform common tasks. More key differences and uses can be found in this Python VS C++ tutorial

2.    Offers Shipping Features

eCommerce websites are incomplete without a proper shipping feature. Python can provide you with multiple built-in shipping options like UPS, FedEx, and USPS.

You should blend Satchmo and Python if you want to leverage the potential of your eCommerce website to the fullest. This combination offers multidimensional features that can make your customers’ lives easier.

3.    Enhanced Security

By using Python as a programming language, eCommerce websites can maintain and regulate the database from time to time. Furthermore, they can effortlessly add their customers’ details and multiple shipping addresses into their database.

Python helps developers add multiple payment gateways that allow the users to pay with any mode of payment. As a result, you can provide better security and convenience to your clients.

Prime Reasons to Use Python for Your eCommerce Website

Touted as one of the major programming languages, Python matches the requirements of the current eCommerce development trends. Today, many eCommerce companies either opt for an eCommerce platform or build the technology from scratch.

Whether integrating a recommendation engine or building a scalable eCommerce website using Python – the technology can do it all. Let us look at how it can assist you in creating a futuristic eCommerce website –

1.    Scalability

Scalability is a game-changing factor for an eCommerce website. You can only increase your sales if your customer base can expand. And as customers increase, your eCommerce platform also needs to grow. So when scaling, you need to discuss the product idea, functionalities to add, and scaling plans that contain the number of users the client expects to have on its platform in the future.

After this, you should define which scaling method is suitable for your client’s app. When scaling, you need to discuss the product idea, functionalities to add, and scaling plans that contain the number of users the client expects to have on its platform in the future. Then, you should define which scaling method is suitable for our client’s app.

There are two ways to scale your project: Vertical and Horizontal. Vertical scaling is when you add more databases, caching, and web servers to your platform. In contrast, Horizontal scaling is when you add more machines to scale Python instances.

2.    Optimization

Python can facilitate you to build a high-performance eCommerce website right from the initial stage. Big giants like Instacart and Wish have used Python because of its high performance and scalability. In addition, it offers excellent tools and techniques to help your code run faster and more effectively. These tools mainly aim at caching, optimizing, and improving database performance.

Additionally, Python offers detailed insights into code inefficiencies so that you know what to optimize. Furthermore, you can use third-party apps such as Google PageSpeed to understand your eCommerce website’s overall performance better.

Another thing that makes Python the best fit for eCommerce websites is its capability to handle thousands of visitors simultaneously. Built with independent components, Python can unplug or replace depending on your needs at a given point in time.

3.    Machine Learning

According to Octoverse report 2021, Python is a widely used language to develop machine learning solutions. As of now, there are 1,33,440 live websites built using Python. However, there are several use cases of machine learning in eCommerce that you would look at

  • Recommendations –

Amazon is famous for its recommendation engine, providing users with the most relevant items. eBay is another excellent example that predicts what’s most suitable for each customer. eBay analyzes search history, buying behavior, and user interaction for this.

  • Image Recognition –

American Eagle is a popular retailer of casual apparel and accessories. It allows users to search for items by uploading photos right from their devices. Likewise, Walmart has integrated facial recognition to define unhappy buyers through the expressions on their faces.

  • Fraud Detection –

Machine learning gives you a helping hand in processing thousands of transactions with lightning-fast speed. Also, it allows you to prevent fraudulent payments even before their occurrence.

  • Speech Recognition –Speech recognition and machine translation can make it more accessible to know what your clients say. For instance, Alibaba translates product titles, user reviews, categories, and descriptions provided by its clients.

In a Nutshell

Python is the right choice for creating robust and high-performance applications. It lets you decide on everything from designing to functionality while building your website. With Python, you can create high-performance and large-scale applications. Of course, you will have to incur expenses in the future while integrating new features. But the good about custom development is that you own the platform.

Python offers multiple development capabilities to developers to create secure, scalable, and reliable eCommerce solutions. However, building an eCommerce app with Python requires expertise, so you should hire Python developers from a reputed software development company.