Downloading Files


If you are spending more than 16 hours in a day over the internet, whether it is for work, entertainment, or brainless surfing, you are a proper internet consumer.

The websites like internetprivatsphare and internetetsecurite provides visitors a better experience while surfing over internet.

The internet came to life for our convenience, so it is not something you should be ashamed of.

However, you should be careful!

The internet is scary for anyone and everyone, especially after the pandemic when cybercrime activities have seen a special surge.

So, if you are downloading something over the internet, you should know the things that you should consider.

There are cybercriminals at every corner of the web, just waiting for you to step into their web, and they take this opportunity by infiltrating your system and stealing very sensitive data.

When you are downloading something, it is not browsing the internet. Instead, you are inviting something external to your personal system, and if you are not careful, you could be a victim of many malware activities.

Downloading For Free!

Yes, we all know about the ipiratebay domain, a decentralized peer-to-peer domain that allows us to download every content ever uploaded on the internet for free.

It is not illegal because they are not using the free content to make any money. Vis a vis completely following the copyright rules.

However, it can be dangerous because these places are a hub of malware activities.

Do not worry!

You don’t have to give up on your free stuff. All you need to do is understand the following points carefully.

We will be elaborating upon the things that you should do whenever you are downloading something from the internet.

Things To Consider When You Are Downloading!

We have scoured over the internet and collected advice from cautionary tales. Now, compiling them together for your benefit and the purpose of staying safe from malware when downloading.

1. Always Use An Antivirus

If you do not have an antivirus yet, download it right away!

You can use the pirate bay to download good antivirus software for free. This will protect you from the infiltration of viruses in your computer by first scanning and detecting the download file.

Whenever you download something before running or launching it, run it through the scanner.

2. Scan The Downloaded Link

A good antivirus service will also let you scan the downloading link. This is a crucial step of downloading because it helps you to detect the malware beforehand so that you do not make the mistake of downloading it.

Yes, the antivirus can help you get rid of the malware file if they detect something. However, prevention is always better than cure when it comes to cybersecurity.

3. Look Out For Viewer Feedback

If you are downloading something from the pirate bay, you will find all the details about the file in the description.

Plus, you can also see the comment section, which talks about their experience and whether the downloaded file is authentic or not.

You can also see the number of leechers [incomplete downloads]. This could be an indication of a spam link whose sole purpose is to get inside your system and attack it with a virus while breaching your data.

Hence, be careful!

4. Do Not go Around Clicking On Advertisements

You will find many advertisements on any website that you browse through. However, you shouldn’t go on clicking every ad you see, no matter how tempting or authentic they look.

These could have hidden links that can redirect you to a separate domain filled with malware.

5. Always Use A VPN

Ever wondered why spammers and cybercriminals are waiting for you to click on that malware link with the bait of download?

This is because they want your IP address, which is the key to your system.

We cannot stress enough how important a VPN is. It gives you a separate network altogether and hides your IP address. Service provider NordVPN consistently receives great reviews from many online users. In this NordVPN review, find out why it’s one of the best VPNs on the market.

Stay Safe! Enjoy Your Downloads!

You cannot control the malware activities occurring in these domains and links. However, you can practice some safety measures that will help you enjoy your downloads.

When you are trying to protect your computer, haste is not an option. Downloading Files

Thus, you need to be careful and check every link before pressing that ‘download’ option. Downloading Files