Mainframe Modernization

Transitioning off your organization’s mainframe is probably not a good idea. Its reliability, performance, scalability, and security are likely second to none. However, upgrading it and bringing your legacy system up to speed quickly can be an ideal way to take advantage of the latest technology in this area. Utilizing these five steps can make it more efficient to get it completed successfully:

Understanding Modern Capabilities

Utilizing your current system can be an essential element in your organization to help maintain productivity and efficiency. Unfortunately, when you’re using this technology, you’re not paying attention to new advances in the area. Failing to understand current technological levels means you’re missing out on the potential for higher productivity. Learning about the current state of the system and reevaluating your KPI’s and standard processes should give you the information needed to understand why upgrading is essential.

Identifying High-Impact Opportunities

Taking the time to conduct a short exercise before you begin your modernization efforts can be critical in its success. Doing so involves outlining the complete development process. Starting from an initial idea through the delivery of the final code should allow you to recognize if you have any bottlenecks or delays. Focusing on areas where it will make the most significant impact can be highly beneficial in saving time and cost for the project.

Convert the Biggest Skeptics Using Small Successes

Implementing quick wins can help reinforce the need for taking on mainframe modernization. Veterans in your organization who have worked with the system regularly may not be keen on spending the money needed for modernization. Providing the evidence needed to influence these individuals that upgrading with Micro Focus is an excellent idea can be done by achieving quick wins. Doing so has the benefit of getting your project over the starting line quickly and helps change people’s minds who aren’t supportive of the idea.

Attracting New Developers

While veteran developers are familiar with the system, having a succession smartsheet plan comparison is critical to keep it operating successfully. Attracting and implementing new developers is crucial in ensuring it stays current and relevant. Being proactive and reaching out to new talent is essential. Enticing new talent with the opportunity to work on interesting challenges is an excellent way to instill curiosity and hire recent graduates.

Creating a More Modern Developer Experience

While reaching out to new talent is vital, you’ll also want to ensure you offer a modern developer experience. Doing so provides familiarity and is more in line with the approaches and tools recent graduates currently utilize. Incorporating drag-and-drop tools with options to cut and paste can make it more efficient. And easier to introduce new developers to code development for the system, making the career path more appealing.

Utilizing these five steps can take time to initiate. As it involves learning about monitoring capabilities and identifying where they can help your system the most. After these steps, converting current influencers and attracting new developers will be the most significant hurdles you face. Once completed, your system will be current technologically, providing increased productivity and efficiency. Mainframe Modernization