There is always an ongoing comparison making between programming languages, and it’s the same when it comes to Golang vs Java. And since the online world is impressively moving forward as time goes by, these types of comparisons will be even more interesting.

These two are both at the top of the list and have been for a while now, which goes to show their true quality. Still, it’s not always about who is definitely better; sometimes, it’s more about which one is better for you and your next project when you are hiring developers.

Therefore, here we will make the Golang vs Java comparison in order to provide you with the necessary information. Let’s get into it right away.

What is Golang?

Golang, or simply Go, is a compiled programming language that is statically typed and designed at Google. It was designed by Rob Pike, Ken Thompson, and Robert Griesemer, and Go is syntactically similar to C, but it has CSP-style concurrency, memory safety, structural typing, and garbage collection.

This programming language was made back in 2009, which goes to show that it has some valuable experience since it’s active for more than ten years, but when it comes to Golang vs Java experience, Java is ahead.

Nevertheless, let’s see the key advantages of using Golang.

Golang Key Advantages

Of course, there can be many advantages that depend on the quality of the developer, but some are beneficial for anyone, whether experienced or not. So, here they are:

  • Easy to learn – Golan has an impressively straightforward design that provides new members to start building much faster. Apps written with it follow a single coding and design style, allowing developers to catch up with everything quickly, which gives them a chance to market faster.
  • Scalability – Apps are highly scalable, and it’s suitable for complicated solutions and sites. Therefore, it’s also good for developing cloud apps.
  • It’s simple – One of the crucial reasons why it’s famous among developers is because of its simplicity. It has a simple design that makes clear code while it ensures reliable execution at the same time.
  • Security – Last but not least, it’s also known as a programming language that has a great QA process.

Since we have covered the Go part from the Golang vs Java comparison, let’s move on to the Java side.

What’s Java?

Java is a class-based and high-level, object-oriented language that has as few implementation dependencies as possible. It’s a write once, run anywhere programming language that has a general-purpose. This advantage means that compiled Java code is able to run on almost all platforms without any need to recompile. Apps made with Java remain usually compiled to bytecode, and they can run on any JVM, which is the Java Virtual Machine, regardless of the computer architecture.

And when it’s about the experience, well, Java is the master since this programming language has been rocking the market since 1995. So, it’s fair to say that hiring top Java developers is more than beneficial since they have both the knowledge and the experience in achieving your desired results.

Anyway, let’s see the key advantages of Java.

Java Key Advantages

Java has many advantages, and it’s not a surprise when you can see that Twitter has used Java, which is one of the most popular apps in the entire world. Nevertheless, here you will see the key advantages of Java:

  • It’s object-oriented – As mentioned earlier, Java is object-oriented, which means it’s better for making extensive and modular programs that have reusable code. Also, Java is perfect for monolithic applications.
  • It’s compatible – One of the main advantages of Java is that once compiled, its apps can run on various types of operating systems, which makes Java platform-independent. This aspect is perfect when one develops software for embedded systems or mobile apps.
  • Great with others – Since Java has so much experience on the market, a developer has various options for working with it, such as Maven, Eclipse, Ant, etc. That’s why there are a lot more libraries for Java than for Golang.
  • High-level stability – As experience provides many benefits, one of them is also the high-level stability Java has, and it’s much more stable than Go.
  • Popularity and Community – Finally, but importantly, Java is an extremely popular programming language, which through the years, brought a fantastic Java online community that makes helping each other much more accessible.

When being realistic, it’s evident that in this Golang vs Java comparison, the second one is more effective due to its bigger market experience, impressive online community, and powerful features.

Therefore, when in need of creating your next project, make sure to hire some experienced Java developers that can make the best out of every situation and achieve your desired result.